PhD, Analytical Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology
Research Expertise
Analytical chemistry, sensor development, nanotechnology, water treatment
Selected Publications
Jinquan Wang, Marc Zanghi, Jie Xu, and Woo K. Kim, “Effect of phosphorus from spent magnetic nanoparticles on the growth performance, bone mineralization, and mineral residues of broilers”, Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 2021, 100169
Anna Gaines, Miranda Ludovice, Jie Xu, Richard J. Meinersmann, Mark Berrang, Wayne Daley, Doug Britton, “The Dialogue between Protozoa and Bacteria in a Microfluidic Device” Plos One, 2019, 14, e0222484
Robert Cowles, Marc Zanghi, Leon Liu, Jie Xu “Using Aluminum-Doped Magnetic Nanoparticles for Total Phosphorus Removal in Poultry Processing Wastewater” Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, 85, 103-112.
Jie Xu, Letitia Luu, and Yuanzhi Tang, “Phosphate removal using aluminum doped magnetic nanoparticle”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, 58, 239-248
Xu J, Suarez D, Gottfried DS. “Detection of avian influenza virus using an interferometric biosensor” Anal Bioanal Chem. 2007 Oct; 389(4):1193-9.